11/2, Roypara Road, Sinthee, Kolkata –
Blog – http://sintheesrijan.blogspot.com website: srijanphotoclub.com
email- sintheesrijan@gmail.com
All India Photography Contest 2013
Contest Calender:
Closing Date for
Entries: 07.12.2013
Judging : 4th Week of December 2013
Notification of Result
(on SRIJAN Blog/Website): 1st Week of January 2014
Exhibition and
prize distribution: January 2014
Category: The Beautiful World
Judges: A panel of
eminent photographers.
Prize: Srijan Trophy & Rs.10000/-
Phanindra Nath Sarkar Memorial Award
Prize: Srijan Trophy &
Neeta Das Memorial Award
Prize: Srijan Trophy & Rs.5000/-
Bhupal Chandra Ghosh Dastidar
Memorial Award
Prize: Srijan Trophy & Rs. 3000/-
Satyaranjan Basu Memorial
Prizes: Srijan Medal &
Rs.1000/- each
i) Krishna
Adhikary Memorial Award
Joyashree Bhattacharjee Memorial Award
Labanya Neogy Memorial Award
iv) Sunila
Sarkar Memorial Award
v) Paritosh
Guha Neogi Memorial Award
Sitanath Gupta Memorial Award I
vii) Sitanath
Gupta Memorial Award II
viii) Sitanath
Gupta Memorial Award III
ix) Sachindra
Nath Ghosh Memorial Award I
x) Sachindra Nath Ghosh Memorial Award II
xi) Sachindra
Nath Ghosh Memorial Award III
xii) Prabir
Kumar Gupta Memorial Award
xiii) J.B.
Dawn Memorial Award
xiv) Nishanita
Memorial Award
Hiraprava Das Memorial Award
Entry Fee: Rs.25/- per image.
Entry fee is to be paid by D.D in favour of “SRIJAN” payable at Kolkata. For Local Entries, cash will also be accepted and that is to be
paid at our collection centre at the time of submission of entries.
& Regulations: 1. The 3rd All India Photography contest 2013
organized by SRIJAN is open to
all professional and amateur photographers in India.
2. No. of images per Entry: Minimum -
4(Four), Maximum - No upper limit, as Digital
3. Each digital file must be named in the following manner:- Full Name –Serial No.--Title of Photo;
e.g. Amit(space) Kumar(space) Roy--1–Tajmahal;
where Amit Kumar Roy = Full Name, 1=Serial No. and Tajmahal=
Title of Photo.
in the file naming may lead to rejection of the entry. Also submitted images
containing any watermarks or any other identity marks may lead to rejection of the entry.
4. The required file size of an image
should be between 1MB to 2 MB.
5. CD/DVD will be accepted for entry which will not be returned.
6. Full name and address of the entrant and no. of images must be clearly written on the CD/ DVD.
7. Each CD/DVD must be accompanied with a duly completed Entry Form and D.D. for Entry Fee.
8. Entries without entry fee will not
be judged.
9. Entries must be properly packed to
withstand postal handling. In no case,
SRIJAN will be responsible for any loss
and/ or damage of the entries during transit.
10.However, image may be sent through email along
with entrant’s name, address, contact no., email and no. of images to this email:- sintheesrijan@gmail.com. A reply email will be
sent to entrant. The requisiteentry fee (25/- per image) along with a hard copy
of the Reply email should reach to our
collection centre within five (5) days from the date of Reply email. Any delay or improper feemay lead to
rejection of the entry.
11.Each entrant will receive a high
quality e-catalogue / CD catalogue .
12. Individual results will be notified only to the winning
participants through e-mail/ by post and also over telephone. Detailed results will be published in our blog/ website.
13. SRIJAN reserves the right to reproduce any
image for publication in e- catalogue/ CD-Rom catalogue or in the media in relation to the
Contest without any permission or paying any fee to the photographer.
14. Any requirements for model release
(permission from the person(s), if any, depicted in the image), property
release (permission from the owner of a particular property, if any, depicted
in the image) etc. are the sole responsibility of the participant(s) and it will be assumed that the
participant(s) have the required permission. Thus, SRIJAN shall, in no way, be held liable on any such ground for
showing publicly any of the submitted images.
15. No present or past members of SRIJAN will be eligible to participate
in this contest.
16. Images already sent to the earlier contest(s) organized
by SRIJAN will not be accepted.
17. Photocopies of the Entry Form will
be accepted.
18. Entries should reach at the
following address by the closing date within 8.00 p.m.
Studio Photo Deal
189, B.B. Ganguly Street, Kolkata – 700012, W.B.
( In between Goenka College of Commerce and Bank of India)
In case of
any clarification
and/ or exigencies, please contact the
following persons:-
1. Sri Gautam Basu: Tel. 9433401496.
2. Sri Dibyendu Dey Chowdhury: Tel. 9836039860.
In case of submission of entry, please contact:-
Sri Vivekananda Bhattacharjee: Tel. 9830439329; 9681273600.

3rd All India Photography Contest 2013
(Please use BLOCK CAPITAL to fill up
the form)
Sl. No.
Entrants may attach extra sheet for the above if required.
E-mail: Mobile No.
Name of Club:
Full Signature:
Fee:______ , DD NO._____________ , Total No. of Entries:____
Office Use Only (Please Leave Blank):
Entry Fee:_______ ( DD/Cash), Entrant
No._____ , Receiving Date:_________
*Instruction for downloading Entry Form of 3rd All India Photography Contest 2013
Select the whole or required part
of the Form(by dragging), copy
and paste it on a MS Word file's
blank page.
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